
The formation answer looks like you!

In really close collaboration with you Human Ressources Department and with the poles of competitivities and clusters, we build an adapted answer to your needs and include your specificities. 

A "custom-made" answer

We can giving to you a "custom-made" answer adapt to your needs and include your specificities.

  • Analyse your needs and professional situtation
  • Study the skills you have and the one you have to expand
  • Definition, implementation of actions (formation, support, certification access)
  • Support for the engineering finance
  • Performance Evaluation

Did you know?

The continiuous training in Cnam-Enjmin has contributed to the drafting of the SNJV's business reference Framework.

The set offer of Cnam, about other thematics is maybe more access by our intermediate.

What is an in-house training course?

An in house training course takes place in your company.

It is especially interesting if you want to train a team. We provide a targeted and personalized solution to your training needs.