He is an Ergonomics Consultant in the firm he founded in 2004, AXErgonomie, as well as an Associate Professor at Cnam-Enjmin.
Research works:
RETAUX X. (2000). Anthropocentric approach to the use of virtual reality technologies. Ergo-IHM 2000, Biarritz.
BOURMAUD G. & RETAUX X. (2002). Relationship between institutional design and design in use. Ergo-IHM 2002, Poitiers, 26-29 November 2002.
RETAUX X. (2002). A subjective measure of presence feeling: the self-confrontation method. Fifth Annual International Workshop Presence 2002, Porto, october, 9, 10 and 11.
RETAUX X. (2002). Realism vs Surprise and Coherence: Different Aspect of Playability in Computer Games. Playing with the future, Manchester, April, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
RETAUX, X., & CHEVALLIER, S. (2003). Peripherals for online gaming. In Auray, N., Craipeau, S. Les jeux en ligne. Les cahiers numériques Vol (4). N°2-2003.. Hermes/ Lavoisier
RETAUX X. (2003). Presence in the environment: theories, methodologies and applications to video games. Psychnology. Volume 1 (3). pp 284-310
RETAUX, X. (2003). Presence in the environment: theories and applications to video games. In Roustan M. La pratique des jeux vidéo : réalité ou virtualité. Dossier human and social sciences. L'Harmattan, Paris.
RETAUX X., BALLETA., DEGANS J., GEISSLER F. & VALLIN N. (2011). Telepresence, transparency and mediation: comparison Kinect and Pad. Ludovia 2011. Ax-les-Thermes.