Meet our Master's degree Teaching Team

Catherine Rolland

Manager of Student Projects


Manager of Student Projects

Project Manager at Gamelab, part of the Science and Video Game Research Chair at The French Polytechnical School (École polytechnique), and Associate Professor at Cnam.


Aïda Del Solar

Art and Creative Director 


Art and Creative Director

Aïda del Solar is a master graduate from ENSad in Filmmaking and Animation, and La FEMIS in Screenplay, two schools where she later became a teacher. 
She supports project creators through "capacity building" activities related to content, creativity and artistic direction, both for authors at a professional international level and students: 

  • Projects and scripts for films and series in South America, South Africa, Greenland, China, Qatar and Venezuela, thanks to UNESCO IFPC, the French Institute, the Goethe Institute, GOBELINS Paris, The Animation Workshop (DK Development Department), the Annecy Animation Film Festival, AniDox (DK), Tifa Cusco (Peru, Ministry of Culture).  
  • She also designed and directed interactive trails as Exhibition Curator at the Musée de la Vache qui rit (Bel Fondation - Lons le Saunier) and "The French Kiss Exhibition" (at the Viborg Museum - Film Festival) .  
  • Aïda writes documentary & fiction projects in live-action and in animation, linear or interactive (Scam Scholarship).


Game Design

Stéphanie Mader

Academic Manager


Associate Professor

Stéphanie Mader has a PhD in Computer Science and a Master's Degree (Game Design specialisation) from Cnam-Enmin (The French National School for Video Games and Digital Interactive Media).

She is head of the Post-Master’s degree in Designing of Immersive, Interactive and Playful Experiences (Cnam-Enjmin and GOBELINS Paris) and is responsible for the Game Design specialisation at Cnam-Enjmin. Since 2017, she has been an Associate Professor of the research group ILJ (Interactivité pour lire et jouer) at Cnam's own research laboratory, CEDRIC, in Paris, France.

She carries out research in Game Design with an approach that blends practice and theory. She works on Game Design methodologies and tools while designing and developing video games (eg: entertainment, serious, therapeutic, for blind players...).

Her research publications are available at: and her video game portfolio can be found at:


Camille Moreau

Professional Manager

Camille MOREAU

Professional Manager

Camille Moreau graduated from the Master's degree in Video Games and Digital Interactive Media) at Cnam-Enjmin.

She is currently working at Ubisoft as a Game Designer, more specifically on topics surrounding UX design and data.


Project Management

Karim Medjad

Academic Manager


Associate Professor

Holder of the Chair in International Business Development at Cnam.

Karim Medjad began his career as a lawyer in various English-speaking law firms.
He then joined the HEC group where he taught for 20 years, before being elected in 2010 as the Chair of International Business Development at Cnam.

He teaches the legal aspects of entrepreneurship and globalisation.
He also continues to practise as an international lawyer.

He has a dual training as a jurist and an economist.
He holds an LL.M. from Harvard Law School and a PhD in Economics from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
He is also a former auditor of the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN).


Jacky Prieur

Professional Manager


Professional Manager

Jacky PRIEUR's professional background is diversified and rich in experience in different sectors of activity: management trainer and pedagogical manager at the Poitou-Charentes Cnam, hospital quality specialist, professional reference in management and project management at the Cnam-Enjmin, association manager.

The main thread of his career is characterised by a strong involvement in the initial and continuing training of managers; he encourages the adoption of professional postures in which everyone is encouraged to be an author-actor in their professional practice.

His favourite maxim in life: " The path is built by walking...The path is built by walking...And why not make a game out of it !!! ".



Guillaume Levieux

Academic Manager


Senior Lecturer

Guillaume LEVIEUX is a Lecturer in the Computer Science department of the CNAM. He teaches the design and development of computer programs at different levels of the university curriculum as well as for the training of engineers in work-study programs. 

Within the JMIN master and the IDE specialized master, Guillaume LEVIEUX teaches more particularly certain aspects of video game software programming, both from the point of view of graphical and physical APIs and for the advanced use of commercial engines. He also teaches level design courses for the entire JMIN master's degree.

Since his doctoral thesis entitled "Measurement of difficulty in video games", Guillaume LEVIEUX has been conducting research at the Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Informatique et Communications (CEDRIC). He is mainly interested in game design theory and procedural systems for interactive experiments.


Axel Buendia

Professional Manager


Professional Manager

Axel Buendia is one of the founders of Spir.Ops, a company providing services and tools linked to Artificial Intelligence

A PhD and several years working in various video game studios such as Cryo or Polygon Studios have given him the necessary experience to create advanced tools to design the behaviors of tomorrow. 

Since the creation of Spir.Ops, he has collaborated with renowned studios, such as Ubisoft, on different game styles, including sports, FPS and adventure. 

He has been an associate lecturer at Cnam for several years, teaching Artificial Intelligence in several institutions including Cnam-Enjmin. With one foot in industry and one foot in academia, he tries to bring this modern vision of work, mixing research and industrial needs.

Axel Buendia is the current director of Cnam-Enjmin.


Visual Design

Sophie DASTE

Academic Manager


Co-direction of the research group EnsADLab GoD|Art (Game oriented Design|Art)



Professional Manager 


Artistic Director and concept artist at Bulwark Studios

Lucas TERRYN teaches visual conception at different level of the pipeline : concept art, Modeling, texturing, integration, ...
He graduated from the JMIN master in visual conception, and the Digital Art section in Saint-Luc Bruxelles.

Portfolio :


Sound and Music Deisgn


Academic Manager


Composer and Sound Designer 

Studies at the CNR (Conservatoire National de Région) of Nantes, composition of electroacoustic music.

Successive collaborations with the INA- GRM (Groupe de Recherche Musical de l'Institut National de l'Audiovisuel), then and the IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique /Musique).

Realization of sound installations with a focus on the soundscape, the spatialization of sound and interactive sound writing.

Realization of sound scores for fiction and documentary films.

Associate lecturer at the Cnam (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers).

Member of CEDRIC (Centre d'Etude et de Recherche en Informatique du Cnam), ILJ team (Interactivité pour Lire et Jouer).

Pedagogical manager of the "Sound Design" speciality of the Cnam-Enjmin.

Doctorate in computer science from the Cnam, thesis defended in December 2013. Sound writing: between determinism, emergence and interactivity.

To find out more (prizes, phonographic publishing, selection of compositions for audiovisual works, latest sound installations, latest compositions for sound installations...) :



Professional Manager


CEO of Game Audio Factory 

Vincent PERCEVAULT is the founder, production manager and CEO of Game Audio Factory.

Senior audio producer in the video game industry, he has worked on more than a hundred games on all platforms.

Website : 

Ergonomics (User Interface)


Academic Manager 


Lecturer at the University of Poitiers

Nicolas LOUVETON is a lecturer at the University of Poitiers where he teaches psychology and cognitive ergonomics.
His research topics focus on visual information retrieval in realistic scenes or visual media (documents, interface), multi-tasking control and Man-Machine collaboration.

Ludovic LE BIGOT

Academic Manager


University Professor at the University of Poitiers

Ludovic LE BIGOT, born in 1973, is professor of psychology at the University of Poitiers where he mainly teaches experimental methodology, statistics applied to psychology, psychology of language and communication, and cognitive ergonomics (design and evaluation of interactions between human and artificial systems).

He has been co-responsible then head of the psychology department of the UFR Sciences Humaines et Arts of the University of Poitiers (2010-2013). He is now assessor in charge of the resources of this UFR.

He was also an appointed member of the college B CNU 16th section from 2007 to 2010 and is currently an alternate member of the college A CNU 16th section.

Ludovic LE BIGOT's research work is in the fields of experimental psychology and cognitive ergonomics. They mainly concern human-human dialogue and human-system dialogue


Professional Manager 


Ergonomics Consultant

Ergonomics consultant in the firm he founded in 2004, Axergonomie, teaching in the JMIN master's program.

Research works
RETAUX X. (2000). Anthropocentric approach to the use of virtual reality technologies. Ergo-IHM 2000, Biarritz.

BOURMAUD G. & RETAUX X. (2002). Relationship between institutional design and design in use. Ergo-IHM 2002, Poitiers, 26-29 November 2002.

RETAUX X. (2002). A subjective measure of presence feeling: the self-confrontation method. Fifth Annual International Workshop Presence 2002, Porto, october, 9, 10 and 11.

RETAUX X. (2002). Realism vs Surprise and Coherence: Different Aspect of Playability in Computer Games. Playing with the future, Manchester, April, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

RETAUX, X., & CHEVALLIER, S. (2003). Peripherals for online gaming. In Auray, N., Craipeau, S. Les jeux en ligne. Les cahiers numériques Vol (4). N°2-2003.. Hermes/ Lavoisier

RETAUX X. (2003). Presence in the environment: theories, methodologies and applications to video games. Psychnology. Volume 1 (3). pp 284-310

RETAUX, X. (2003). Presence in the environment: theories and applications to video games. In Roustan M. La pratique des jeux vidéo : réalité ou virtualité. Dossier human and social sciences. L'Harmattan, Paris.

RETAUX X., BALLETA., DEGANS J., GEISSLER F. & VALLIN N. (2011). Telepresence, transparency and mediation: comparison Kinect and Pad. Ludovia 2011. Ax-les-Thermes.
