Research Overview

Cnam-Enjmin is the ideal partner for all your research projects

We can help you finish your academic course, start your academic career or become a researcher in the private or public sector...

  • Whether it be for video games, digital interactive media or transmedia storytelling, you can rely on Cnam-Enjmin’s expertise to help you with your research project in association with our partners: The University of Poitiers, ÉESI (European School of the Visual Image in Angoulême) and Cnam's own research laboratory in Paris, CÉDRIC.
  • Within the framework of a placement or specific contract, our students can assist you with the production of your prototypes.
  • After their master’s degree, our PhD students can work on your R&D projects as part of a CIFRE sponsored thesis, a research agreement or collaborative research with our partner laboratories.
  • Come to Cnam-Enjmin’s Nil Building, where you can take advantage of our working environment and our technical support team and students - we offer an exceptional framework to further your R&D projects.

As part of CIFREANR, FUI agreements and European projects, Cnam-Enjmin has partnered projects in interaction systems, game design, storytelling, serious games and game sound, to name but a few. Both our former students and teachers have worked on theses that tackle topics such as game design for pervasive games, serious games and the use of sound in games...

Continue your studies at PhD level

After obtaining your master's degree, you can apply to complete your PhD in one of Cnam-Enjmin's partner research laboratories (L3i, CeRCA, TECHNE, CEREGE and, of course, Cnam's own laboratory CÉDRIC).

We can help you on many different subjects, including interaction devices, interactive storytelling and evaluation processes.


All PhDs are financed either by a State Doctorate Contract or by a research project with a company or a public partner.


Some examples of previous PhD thesis

  • Cécile LE PRADO, 2013, Modalités d’écriture pour une œuvre sonore interactive : du script à l’émergence, (En collaboration avec le projet Terra Dynamica), CÉDRIC, Cnam Paris
  • Guillaume TIGER, 2013, Synthèse sonore en temps réel d’environnements sonores urbains, (Dans le cadre des projets TerraDynamica et Octavia), CÉDRIC, Cnam, Paris
  • Emmanuel GUARDIOLA, 2013, Méthode de Game Design pour la création d’un profil psychologique du joueur, (Dans le cadre du projet Jeu Serai), CÉDRIC, Cnam Paris
  • Nicolas Rempulski, 2013, Synthèse dynamique de superviseur pour l’exécution adaptative d’applications interactives, Université de la Rochelle, L3i
  • Kim Dung Dang, 2013, Aide à la réalisation de systèmes de pilotage de narration interactive : validation d’un scénario basée sur un modèle en logique linéaire, Université de la Rochelle, L3i
  • Shi Han Chan, Sound in Collada, 2012, Représentation et implantation de nouveaux modèles de représentation du son dans les moteurs de jeux (Dans le cadre du projet Terra Dynamica), CÉDRIC, Cnam Paris
  • Loic CAROUX, 2012, Rechercher des informations dans les environnements interactifs : repérer, mémoriser, et utiliser des données verbales ou symboliques sur écran, Université de Poitiers, CERCA.