Scholarship, Housing and retreat of diploma

Campagne 2017 du CROUS : demande de bourses et de logements

Vous trouverez ici le lien vers le site internet du CROUS de Poitiers où toutes les informations concernant la nouvelle campagne 2017 de demande de bourses et de logements sont publiées.

How to collect your diploma

If you are enrolled at the Cnam :Logo Le Cnam rouge

  • Should you wish to collect your diploma directly from the school:

- send to Cnam-Enjmin (138 rue de Bordeaux - 16000 Angoulême):
• an A4-sized rigid cardboard envelope, stamped to the value of €11.17, together with a registered letter and recorded delivery slip made out to your name and address.
• a letter of explanation with your address and contact details, the diploma and year obtained.

- send to Cnam-Enjmin (138 rue de Bordeaux - 16000 Angoulême):
• an A4-sized rigid cardboard envelope, stamped to the value of €6.25, together with a registered letter and recorded delivery slip made out to your name and address.
• a letter of explanation with your address and contact details, the diploma and year obtained.

Should you wish to receive your diploma by post at an address outside France:

- the person who collects the diploma on your behalf must produce:
• a handwritten proxy letter which mentions the identity of the person duly authorised to collect the diploma on your behalf, as well as their identity papers;
• a photocopy of your ID.

Should you wish to receive your diploma by post at a French address:

- make sure you are in possession of valid identity papers (please note your student card is not an accepted form of ID).diplome

Should you want a third party to collect your diploma directly from the school:

If you are enrolled at the university of La Rochelle 

You will find all the informations herelarochelle

If you are enrolled at the university of Poitiers

You will find all the informations here:  poitiers

University restaurant

You can eat in the university restaurant of the CROUS.

The building "Le Nil" have one of the three university restaurant call " La Brasserie le Nil": all the informations here.

Live in Angoulême