Apply for the engineering diploma IEM

Become an engineer !

If you wish to apply for this diploma, follow the procedure below and on the right!

Required level of studies

Students are recruited at second-year university level.

The entry qualifications eligible for inclusion in the course are :

  • 2nd year scientific degree
  • DUT in computer science, electronics, networks, etc.
  • Scientific preparatory classes

The selection of EICnam engineering students :

  • application file
  • placement tests : mathematics, english, general and scientific knowledge
  • individual interview
  • Commission ruling on the candidates' abilities (in the presence of the educational managers)

Recruitment sessions

The next recruitment day will take place on date to be announced soon.
You will have to choose one of these 4 places to take the written tests and the interview: Bègles (Bordeaux), Limoges, Niort or Poitiers

To participate in the Cnam Engineering School's recruitment day, you must :

1. Download the file

2. Return the completed form, including all supporting documents, by e-mail to :

3. Enter your registration on the Galao website : link to Galao