February 14, 20259h40 - 16h
Attend in person at our Lecture Theatre or follow live on Youtube
The final oral defences for our second-year students in the Master's degree for Video Games and Digital Interactive Media is taking place on Friday 14th February.
They will be taking place in our lecture theatre and will be broadcast live on Cnam-Enjmin's YouTube channel.
What are the M2 projects?
Our students (in the 20th cohort, 2023-2025) have 4 months, from October to February, to create a pre-production stage of a full video game; this means they have to design and develop a "Vertical Slice".
Each of the 6 projects has a team of 9-12 people, representing each specialisation taught at the school (Sound Design, Game Art, UX/UR, Game Design, Project Management and Game Programming).
Students are required to complete 3 oral defences, which take place over the course of the year at our school in Angoulême at key moments during the development process:
The oral defences are special moments which give way to exchanges and discussions between students, the teaching team and industry professionals.
All parts of the oral defences (project presentations and jury Q&A) are conducted in English.
You can watch the videos live or on catch-up on our YouTube channel.